Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy New Year!!

Wow, I haven't posted in a while. Sorry about that. I have gotten a lot done since I last posted, too. I finished the lace bodice sweater, which is gorgeous =)
And the back:

I didn't even have to make too many changes to the pattern. I just followed the 'small' instructions, except adding a few inches to the hip portion, and it fits me very nicely =).

After this I resolved that I wouldn't buy any more yarn until I'd used up the leftover stuff I already had. That was until I started helping out with the knitting winter study class and the instructor offered me all kinds of free yarn that had been donated to her. How could I refuse an offer like that? So I took one ball and started working on these felted mittens:And just for scale, pre-felting:

Once I finish the second one, they'll get thrown into a hot washing machine and shrink to normal hand size. Then I'll make them some cuffs and maybe put a pretty design on them and hand them off to Christina. Yay! After these mittens, regardless of how much yarn I pilfer from Mary, I'm still going to try to use up some of my stash, starting with an attempt at entrelac. Wish me luck with that...

It's going to be a very busy Winter Study, what with all the knitting, quilting class, and studying for the LSATs. Good thing I like being busy...



1 comment:

선미 (Sunmi) said...

The sweater is pretty!

I learned to do entrelac over break, from an online tutorial. It's not hard, but got a bit tedious after a while... Good luck with it!