Sunday, November 11, 2007


So earlier this week, my sister IMs me with the unusual request "Allie, will you make me some mittens??" Apparently it gets cold enough in North Carolina to require mittens. I can't imagine anywhere south of Maryland so much as needing a scarf, but any distraction from my studies is welcome. So I foolishly told her to find me a pattern--any pattern and she came up with this one: Corazon Mittens. Things had become slightly more complicated.

Since I've always wanted to try fair isle, I thought "why not practice on my sister?" Sounds selfish, but she won't really notice, right? So I bought the yarn and started the project most eagerly, but not without some trepidation.

I have since finished one mitten and am quite pleased with the result. I only have two complaints. One: My grafting could do with a little practice. Two: I regret letting my sister pick out the colors. You can hardly see the pattern I worked so hard on!

Sorry about the poor image quality. I'll just wait til daytime for the next set of pictures.

Here it is again on my hand:

I think she'll be pleased with it, don't you?
Mitten #2 to follow shortly.

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